Aug 26, 2008

Direct access recorded video through Samba

The recorded video is saved in Linux UDF partition as .VRO, if you wanna copy it to PC for further usage, you have to transfer it to FAT32 partition as .MPG and copy it to PC, the clip will be split every 2GB. It's kind of troublesome. 

Thanks for a user make a request at ME1's Google groups and some one provides the solution that's why this post comes out. 

If you have installed Samba Server by follow "Easy way to enable Samba server, Mldonkey, Gmedia Server and SSH at bootup" , and now you can direct access recorded video by modify two files, smb.conf and in /usr/local/etc/hdd/volumes/HDD1/chroot/etc/samba folder. If you have chroot to debian then it's under /etc/samba.

Add "mount /dev/hda3 /mnt/auto " to (mount recording partition to /mnt/auto)

Add the bellows to smb.conf (a "record" folder will be created  when you access ME1)
comment = Recording partition of HDD 
path = /mnt/auto 
read only = no 
public = yes 

If you have SSH enabled,  simply download those two files and copy to /etc/samba folder.
